Bruce Lee Portret

"If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you'll never get it done"

Bruce Lee
Socrates Portret

"The greatest way to live with honor in this world is to be what we pretend to be"

Osho Portret

"Creativity is the greates rebellion in existence"



Products for your business improving and enhancing your company business sales or performance

IT services

Premium services and quality IT products just for you!

  • Web Design

    HTML5 / CSS3/ JS / Responsive Design
  • IT Consultancy

    Business Optimisation Specialists
  • IT Products

    Depending on Your needs
  • CMS / eCommerce Sites

    Drupal / nopCommerce / Joomla
  • Web Application Development

    C#.NET / ASP.NET / MVC
  • Mobile Applications

    Windows Mobile / iOS / Android

business tools

Need appropriate tools for your business improvement?
We have it now or find the best one anyway for you.


Working on creating it now

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Linked Businesses Pty Ltd
Post Box #1403,
macquarie centre
north ryde, 2113, australia